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There's more than one way for every problem

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- Scholastic


- 2018


- Branding & Strategy
- Consulting

- Creative

- Marketing Plan

The Client:

Established in 1945, Scholastic Corp serves as a prominent publisher and distributor of children's literature and educational resources. Their diverse offerings encompasses both digital and physical products, including books, comics, educational materials, children's activities, and instructional videos. The primary aim of the organization is to encourage educational and personal growth in children by enhancing their literacy. This is achieved through the creation of resources designed for schools, children, and parents, as well as by delivering their products directly to consumers through digital outlets and physical events such as book fairs and clubs.

The Ask:

Develop a self-help comic book for girls between the ages of 13-17.​


70% of teenagers say that anxiety and depression are their biggest problems.


Teen girls experience emotional stress 32% more than teenage boys.


Girls are 34% more likely to confront their problems.


Less than 1% of comics have stories that end with more than one outcome.


​Visual learning is vital to 65% of teenage girls.​


Eliminate uncertainty by showing that there are many different ways an issue can be handled.

Every Girl has a different story text


My team and I developed a comic book that depicts various obstacles a young girl might face and the diverse methods she can employ to overcome them, presented in the format of a choose-your-own-adventure comic.

The Method

The comic book tells one story however when the reader gets to the choice selection they can pick how they want to handle the issue and turn to the page listed that will tell them how their choice unfolds.


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To launch this campaign, we decided to launch the comics Instagram profile on International Woman's Day, the most empowering day for women. Each day throughout the month, we wanted to celebrate a different woman and her achievements, in aim to inspire and empower girls. Alongside spotlighting different woman, my team and I have incorporated interactive comic strips on Instagram for people to engage with. We have also produced educational content addressing common issues faced by girls, providing them with an opportunity to explore these problems and learn about potential solutions. Lastly, we have created short reels to give visitors a behind-the-scenes look at the comic creation process.


Recognizing the impressionable nature of teenage girls and their admiration for celebrities, my team and I proposed that our client partner with popular influencers who are followed by these girls. In selecting influencers, we considered their following and the positive impact they have on the community. We sought out teen influencers who promote positivity and could serve as inspiration for young girls. Our aim was for these influencers to endorse the comic, share their personal stories and advice for girls, and inspire teen girls to be themselves.


My team and I created a website that would feature interactive comic panels for visitors to explore short comic stories. Through the site, visitors would have the option to purchase the comics digitally and read them online. Additionally, we integrated a section where girls can submit their inquiries for advice, with the most prevalent questions being featured in the FAQ section of the subsequent issues.

The Team:

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